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Discussion Topics

Page history last edited by Pippa Buchanan 13 years, 2 months ago

Given the framing of the workshop, is there anything in particular you want to discuss with other participants?  Let us know, and we'll try to include space for it in a break-out session. Also, please identify yourself (name, email / twitter) if you're happy to facilitate a relevant break-out session.

Comments (1)

Peter Schrek said

at 7:18 pm on Aug 19, 2011

My goal for the workshop is to better understand my role as a facilitator to bring the www.coworkingschool.com to life.
My Questions to the group: What is desirable and possible?

With new input to these 2 questions i will then look into what are viable next steps to form the idea of the coworking school into a first working prototype.


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